انجليزي عاشر الفصل الاول

امتحان لغة انجليزية للصف 10 عام فصل اول

امتحان لغة انجليزية للصف 10 عام فصل اول




امتحان لغة انجليزية للصف 10 عام فصل اول


هدا الملف ل الصف 10 عام لمادة انجليزي 10 الفصل الاول


امتحان لغة انجليزية للصف 10 عام فصل اول


Grade 10 Advanced Reading

Part 1

Read the text and match the paragraphs (A -D) to the correct number (1 – 6). You can use each letter more than once

There is one EXAMPLE


Paragraph A

The purpose of a charity is to help people who need money or support in difficult times. There are many different types of charities. For example, some charities support research into illnesses or raise money to build hospitals. Charities always need people to volunteer, which means people who work for free. These volunteers use their skills and give their time to help others. Charities also depend on people to give money for important projects like helping people in an environmental disaster

Paragraph B

Oxfam is a world-famous charity that started in Oxford, England in 1942. Oxfam works in many different countries around the world and it helps thousands of people who need support. These days, Oxfam is one of the biggest organisations in the world. However, charities do not have to be large organisations to give benefits to people who need help. There are many small charities all over the world that help people in local communities

Paragraph C

There are many types of charities in the UAE. Dar Al Ber Society was one of the first in the UAE. This charity was started in 1979 and it helps people in other countries as well as in the UAE. Another example is the Emirates Foundation in Abu Dhabi. This charity aims to improve the lives of young people in the UAE. In Dubai, there is a charity called Riding for the Disabled. Children and adults who are disabled have the opportunity to ride horses. This type of exercise helps people in different ways. Horse riding can improve health and strength, and it can also increase confidence

Paragraph D

People who volunteer for a charity often say their work is rewarding. These ordinary people enjoy the experience of helping others and being an active person in their local community. Sometimes, business people donate money, or items of food or clothes to charities in their neighbourhood. This shows how much citizens believe in the value of helping others


rade 10 Advanced Reading

Part 2

Read the text and answer the questions. For each question (7 – 13), choose the correct answer according to the text: True, False or Not given

Animal Conservation

I am Fatima and last month at school, we were learning about different types of conservation. For example, there is water conservation, which means trying to save water. Furthermore, we studied different environmentally-friendly farming techniques. We also did a small project on saving the tiger, which I found fascinating. Tigers are interesting animals, but I was shocked to discover that the tiger population has declined from around 100,000 tigers in 1900 to around 4,000 today

Tigers are one of the most popular animals in the world. They have existed for a very long time and their natural home is in Asian countries, including China. One of the reasons there are so few tigers today is because of the loss of their habitat. The tigers’ habitat is mainly tropical rainforests, woodland and grassland. Unfortunately, many of these places have been developed for human use. For example, large areas of the rainforest have been cleared in order to build roads and farms

When the forests and natural hunting grounds of tigers are reduced, this forces them to look for food closer to human communities. The result is that farm animals are sometimes killed because the tigers’ natural food source is not available. This causes problems between farmers and tigers, and this conflict could actually lead to the extinction of this animal

Consequently, some governments, for example in India, have formed tiger conservation groups to raise awareness amongst people of how this beautiful creature lives. Firstly, scientists need to know more about the behaviour of tigers. Both male and female tigers normally live alone and move around very large areas, which makes it hard to track them. Therefore, scientists are putting satellite collars on some tigers, which will show their movements

Additionally, governments can create tiger conservation areas where these animals are protected. Also, researchers can then use video cameras to record the tigers’ behaviour. The more information we have about tigers, the better we will be able to save them from extinction


rade 10 Advanced Reading

Part 3

Read the text and answer the questions

For each question (14 – 20), choose the correct answer A, B or C


My brother Rashid is studying to be a doctor. I asked him about his medical training as I am thinking about becoming a healthcare professional myself. It takes at least six years to become a doctor, and Rashid told me he is very busy. He always used to play football at the weekend whereas now he can only watch it on TV or listen to it on the radio

Rashid started his training by learning about the human body. He said: “It is essential for a medical student to have a good memory to know all the medical names.” In addition, he had to develop some other skills in healthcare, such as researching and analysing symptoms. He has two more years of training, by which time I will be ready to start my studies at university. If I want to become a healthcare professional, I will have to study science and then work in a hospital

Rashid gave me some career advice. He told me to think about other jobs in healthcare. He said I might be interested in becoming a pharmacist or a dentist if I am not sure about being a doctor. I am interested in different diets and healthy eating, so perhaps I should consider becoming a nutritionist

Like Rashid, I definitely want to work within the health industry. Healthcare professionals are committed to helping people and developing their skills to treat patients. Rashid told me: “Working in healthcare has benefits. There are times when I go to sleep at night feeling satisfied with my achievements

However, I know that working in the health industry can also be very tiring. There will be sleepless nights when I think about the huge responsibility of looking after patients. Rashid sometimes has problems sleeping. He is a light sleeper and says when he feels stressed, he cannot sleep for more than two or three hours at a time

I must continue with my school studies so that one day, I may reach my goal of working in healthcare. I know it will be a difficult journey but a very interesting one



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