لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الثالث

اختبار تدريبي انجليزي مع الحل صف 8 فصل 3

اختبار تدريبي انجليزي مع الحل صف ثامن فصل ثالث




اختبار تدريبي انجليزي مع الحل صف ثامن فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف الثامن لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الثالث


اختبار تدريبي انجليزي مع الحل صف ثامن فصل ثالث 

party 2

My grandfather has sent me to sports camp in italy for the whole summer it is great because I love playing all sorts of different sports ! I will be here for six week weeks in total I am learning so much about sports This week we are playing badminton golf and tennis My friend Salma loves badminton but I am not so great at it I am much better at golf I have been playing golf since I was six years old Next week We will have a golf competition I hope I can win it Last week we did judo archery and cycling I almost fell off the bicycle when I tried riding it I am no good at riding bikes I did not like judo that much either but archery was great I am really good at hitting the target with the arrow Next week we play ice hockey I have never been skating on ice before I am afraid I will fall During the last week we will go horseback riding I really hope I dont fall out of the saddle !Next year I will do to a cooking camp as I make delicious food I cant wait to go to the cooking camp as I love cooking as much as I love cooking as much as I love sport 

part 3

The start of the space age was in the 1940 when rockets first left Earth The first man went into space in 1961 In 1966 the first rocket landed on the moon and 3 years later the first man walked on the moon since the 1960 technology has allowed for more scientific research We have sent unmanned spacecraft to Mars and other planets By studying other planets We build up our 

Knowledge of the universe and better understand our place in it In 1986 We began working on space station Currently We have the international space station (ISS)which allows astronauts to live and work in space for long periods of time in the future people will probably build more space stations around the solar system we are always learning so much from our exploration of space But it has come at huge cost Space travel is always very expensive it cost over 100 billion dollars to build the ISS and over 80 million dollars to send a exploration is long Certainly we things in the future We may even find life space one day 

part 2 and part 3 questions 

when did the first person walk on the moon *




 Fatima is in Italy when she is writing this blog *

 True         False     Not Give

Fatima is very good at tennis* 

True         False    Not Give 

what have we sent to Mars* 



spaceship without people 

Next week there is a golf competition *

True         False    Not Give

Fatima is good at cycling *

True         False    Not Give

The last sport they will do at the camp is horse back riding *

True         False    Not Give

what cost over 80 million dollars *

sending a person to the moon 

building the international space station 

sending a person to the ISS




مذكرة هامة تدريبية اللغة العربية الصف 2 فصل 3
ملخص الجهاز الهضمي علوم صف 8 فصل ثاني

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