لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الثاني

أوراق عمل Tamkeen Practice 2 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 8

أوراق عمل Tamkeen Practice 2 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن




أوراق عمل Tamkeen Practice 2 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن


هدا الملف ل الصف الثامن لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الثاني


أوراق عمل Tamkeen Practice 2 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

Lesson 8: My dream

“Grandfather. can I ask you about ghaf trees ? My friend and I are ping to ‘Mite a repcrt on it fee cåass. but we don’t much about it.” said Khalid

His gandfathe began to speak.  sorne interesting facts about these trees They here in the Wddie East. but also in Asia and Africa. Plant them.. and trey easily grow. They can Eve fee more than 120 in the desert. lts interesting that they without much water. h the past. traveers used the tree to make medicine. Farrtters also used ‘he leaves arenal food

In the hot and dangerous desert. travellen were sometimes hurt by snakes and scorpioæ. WI-en that happened. the hope to find a ghaf tree. They could use the wate from the tree to clean their cuts. could also Ee down to sleep under the tree during the ni$t if they were far

Today. people still love ghaf trees. They plant ghaf trees in hot desets to help animat like goats and cornels. The desert eagle oM lives in the ghaf and the Oryx and desert fox rest nea’them The wood is used to build houses and fa fires. People even eat the leaves in salads. This type of salad very special. The is so irnpotant that it iz the national tree of the uAE

When his grandfather finished. Khalid said. “l hope to make sve more of thern Thank you. gandfather. I tell my föend you helped us a lot

2 The tree grows

only in Africa

just in the Wddle East

Many places. Asia

4- According to the tee why the ghaf tree interesting

It was used to help traveles

Travellers rested unde it the day

Arenals easily find food it


A Special Tree

Grandfather, can I ask YOU ghaf report on it tor class, but we don’t know much about it.’ said Khalid

His gandfather began They grow here in then will easily grow. They that they grow witho make medicine I. Why does Khalid to speak, “l know some interesting facts these trees

East, but also in Asia and Africa. Plant them. and they. n live for more than 120 years in the desert. It’s interesting to much water. In the travellers used the ghaf tree to also used the leaves for animal

Why his grandfather for help

o To get information tor his lesson

o To report a problem with a tree

o To learn how to help his friend

A Special Tree

“Grandfather, can I ask you about ghaf trees? My friend and I are to write a report on it fcy class, but we don’t know much amut it.” said Khalid His began to speak, “l know some interesting facts atxut these trees

They grow here in the Middle East, but also in Asia and Africa. nt them. and they will easily grow. They an live for more than 120 years in the desert. It’s interesting that they grow with t much water. In the gx’st, travellers used the ghaf tree to make medicine also used the leaves for animal food
. The ghaftree rows…………

o only in Africa

o just inth iddle East

o many places, including Asia


A Special Tree

“Grandfather, can I ask you about ghaf trees ? My friend and I are going to write a report on it for class, but we don’t know much about it,” said Khalid

His began to speak. “l know some interesting facts about these trees They grow here in the Middle East, but also in Asia and Africa. Plant them, and they will easily grow. They can live for mcxe than 120 years in the desert. It’s interesting tha they grow without much wat In the past, travellers used the ghaf tree to make medicine. Far also used the leaves for animal food

3. This tree is spec I because it doesn’t

o grow very easily

o need a lot of water

o live for a long time

A Special Tree

“Grandfather. can I ask you about ghaf trees ? My friend and I are going to write a report on it for class, but we don’ t know much about it,” said Khalid His grandfather began to speak, “l know some interesting facts about these trees

They grow here in the Middle East, but also in Asia and Africa. Plant them, and they will easily grow. They can live more than 120 years in the desert. It’s interesting that they grow without much water In the past, travellers used the ghaf tree to make medicin Farmers also used the leaves tor anirnal food.l

. Accordi to the text, why is the ghaf tree interesting

o It was used to hel sick travellers

o Travellers rested under it during the day

o Animals easily find food near it


help to deserts hot in trees ghaf plant They .ees. ghaf love still people ,Today  oryx the and ghaf the in lives owl eagle desert The .mels. and goats like animals  eople .res. for housesand build tO used is wood The them near foxrest desert and  SO is ghaf The .pecial. ery is salad Of type This .lads. in leaves the eat even  “.AE. the Of tree national the is it that important  (Bonus) for ? tree af the use people do

help tO deserts hot in trees ghaf plant They .S. ghaf love still people ,TOday oryx the and ghaf the in lives OWI eagle desert The .amels. and goats like animals PeopIe fires for housesand build tO used is WO

The .em. near rest fox desert and SO is ghaf The .pecial. very is salad Of type is lads. in leaves the eat even  “.UAE the treeof onal  the is it that important  today

 used tree ghaf the of lea the are How

them with food make People O

fires in burnt are They O

them in live AnimaIs O




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أسئلة مراجعة امتحان نهائي كيمياء الصف 12 متقدم فصل 1

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