أوراق عمل Shaping Earth’s Surface مع الحل العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثامن
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أوراق عمل Shaping Earth’s Surface مع الحل العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثامن
هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة علوم منهج انجليزي فصل ثاني
أوراق عمل Shaping Earth’s Surface مع الحل العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثامن
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface
The driving forces Of tectonic plates are related to convection currents in Earth’s
O A) crust
O B) mantle
O C) inner core
O D) outer core
Correct Answer
B) mantle
are formed when two continental plates collide
O A) Volcanoes
O B) Strike-slip faults
O c) Mountain ranges
O D) Rift valleys
Correct Answer
C) Mountain ranges
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface
At an oceanic- oceanic convergent plate boundary
O A) new crust is created
O B) Old crust is recycled by subduction
O C) Old crust is deformed or fractured
O D) plates side past one another
Correct Answer
B) Old crust is recycled by subduction
What type of mountains are formed when molten rock erupts onto Earth’s surface and hardens
O A) uplifted mountains
O B) fold mountains
O C) volcanic mountains
O D) fault-block mountains
Correct Answer
C) volcanic mountains
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface
Looking at the figure that shows world-wide earthquake distribution, the white lines represent plate boundaries. Which statement is true
O A) Earthquakes always occur along plate boundaries
O B) Earthquakes most frequently occur along plate boundaries
O C) Earthquakes rarely occur along plate boundarie
O D) Earthquakes never occur along plate boundaries
Correct Answer
B) Earthquakes most frequently occur along plate boundaries
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface
Volcanoes can form over a plume. Or rising current of hot mantle. As a tectonic plate. slowly moves over a plume, a volcano will form and then become extinct as it moves away. from the hot spot. Then the next volcano will form. If the hot spot shown made all the islands in the figure, is the plate pictured below moving toward you or from you
O A) The plate is moving toward me
O B) The plate is moving from me
O C) There is no way to tell
O) D) It is stationary
Correct Answer
B) The plate is moving away frorn me
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface
Fault -block mountains occur where
O A) compression squeezes the crust
O B) tension pulls the crust apart
O C) tension squeezes the crust
O D) compression pulls the crust apart
Correct Answer
B) tension pulls the crust apart
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface Answers may vary
Expla nation
Both earthquakes and volcanoes often form at tectonic plate boundaries
Point out two changes that occur between the 65 mya time period and the present
Correct Answer
Answers may vary
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India has collided with Asia to form the Himalayas. Australia has separated from Antarctica. A rift valley is forming in east Africa
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface
Correct Answer
Answers may vary
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a. Plates that have a Type 1 boundary include those listed below. The plates along a Type 1 boundary move toward One another, Or converge. (Note: Students may make a general statement that one plate “subducts- under another. Since there are no data in the maps indicating which plate is a subducting plate, students who attempt to identify the subducting plate should not be penalized for wrong answers.)
o Pacific and Eurasian. Pacific and North American
o Philippine and Eurasian, Philippine and Pacific
o Nazca and South American, African and Eurasian
o Australian and Eurasian. Antarctic and South American
o Pacific and Australian
b. Plates that have a Type 2 boundary include those listed below. The plates along a Type 2 boundary move away from one another. or diverge
o North American and Eurasian, Pacific and North American
o Nazca and Pacific, Antarctic and Nazca
o Antarctic and Australian. South American and African
o Antarctic and African, Antarctic and Pacific
Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Shaping Earth’s Surface Answers may vary
Expla nation
The amount of time needed for the volcano to look like it does in the photograph on the left is millions Of years. The volcano builds up slowly after repeated eruptions because after each eruption there is lava that pours down the side of the volcano that cools to become more rock and because rocks that are thrown from the volcano pile up around the crater
The amount Of time it takes for the volcano to 100k like it does in the photograph on the right is minutes. During a volcanic eruption, lots of rock, lava. and ash are thrown into the air as pressure is released from the volcano, which destroys the cone shape of the volcano
Rubric. and interpret data on the distribution of fossils ard tocks, continental shapes, and. wide ewdence of the past plate mottns
Evidence of Understanding
Student response provides evidence using the dimensions• to make. sense of scientific phenomena ardor to design solutions to probEms. Student is able to
identify two tectonic plates that meetndong a Type 1 boundary
describe the movement of those plates along that boundary
identify two tectonic giates that meet along a Type 2 boundary
describe the movement of those plates along that boundary Student response provides partial evidence of using the dimensions’ to make sense of scientific phenomena and / or to design solutions prodems. The. response lacks sorne crittal information and details or contains some errors Student is aue to
identify two tectonic plates that npet abng a Type 1 boundary BUT is unable b descnbe the rmvement of mose plates along that boundary
identify two tectonic plates that meet along a Type 2 boundary BUT is. unable to describe the moverTEnt of those plates dong that boundary
identify two tectonic plates that meet along one of the AND describe the movement of mose plates abng that boundary BUT is unable to identify the two tectonic pldes and describe. movement those plates along the other type of bounary
Student response is incomplete or provides minimal evidence of ushg the dimensions• to make sense of scientific phenamena and / or to design solutions to
Student does ncR respond or student response is inacarate, irrelevant or contains nsuffaent evderwe of the dirnensms• to make sense of soentific ardor to desgn sdutms to