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أوراق عمل Revision Booklet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 5 الفصل الأول

أوراق عمل Revision Booklet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الأول




أوراق عمل Revision Booklet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الأول


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أوراق عمل Revision Booklet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الأول

Academic year 2022 -2023

Term – Grades

Revision Booklet


 Read the text and answer the questions

This is the mushroom house. It is made of wood, mud and stone. It has very large windows to let in natural sunlight. The house is energy -efficient because it has got solar panels on the roof to provide energy for lighting, electronics and computers. The roof has got a small roof garden for growing vegetables. The water is from underground

The mushroom house is mud and stone

a) makes  b) made   c) making

The mushroom house is not energy efficient

a) true   b) false    c) not given

The mushroom house provide energy

a) solar system    b) solar panels   c) solar eclipse

The roof garden is used to grow

a) fruits   b) vegetable   c) scrope

There, you can get water from

a) Wall  b) wait   c) well

 Read the text and answer the questions

In 2006, the Emirati government started building the world’s largest eco- city and named it Masdar. The city uses solar panels to power the whole community. The design and layout Of the buildings and walls keep the city much cooler, so very little electricity is used to keep the buildings cool. Visitors to Masdar must leave their cars and use electric, driverless vehicles while in the city. Students are currently the only residents, although there are plans to build more homes and even a school in the future. The project continues and is a great example of a city that uses renewable energy on a large scale 

What did the Emirati government start building

a) a large eco-city   b) a small eco-city    c) an eco -home

What does the city use to power the community

a) oil    b) natural gas   c) solar panels

Why are the buildings and the walls much cooler

 currently live in Masdar City city eco- friendly

a) Doctors     b) Teachers  c) Students

Explain in 3 sentences, why is Masda

 Read the text and answer the questions

Have you ever been to Fujairah

Fujairah is the fifth largest emirate and has more mountains than desert. That means it rains more here, so it is very green. It is also the only emirate that faces onto the Gulf of Oman and not the Arabian Gulf

The drive from Ras A1 Khaimah along the long coastline offers lush surroundings and there are amazing views out to sea. You must visit the A1 Badiyah Mosque, which is in the Badiyah region of Fujairah. It is the oldest mosque in the UAE The ancient mosque

No- one knows exactly when the ancient mosque was built, but it is incredibly old. Some people think the mosque was built in 64æE. Others think the building may have been built as long ago as The mosque is only 53 square metres, which is small. It was built from materials found in the area, including stones of different sizes and mud. The gardens of the mosque are beautiful and looked after daily. Daily prayers continue to be said in the mosque, which is one of the main tourist attractions in Fujairah 

Why is Fujairah very green

a) It has more mountains   b) ancient

The word amazing meansm

b) It has deserts   c) It has more rains  a) long

Some people think that the mosque was built in 64XE

a) True   b) False    c) N0t given

What is the mosque made Of ? (Full sentence

(5)Wh0 visits the mosque

a) citizens    b) tourists    c) students


Read the text and answer the questions

There are 24 different kinds of rattlesnake and each kind lcxks different, some are green, others are brown or black. Some kinds of rattlesnake live in the Sonoran Desert in North America, but other kinds live on mountains and in forests. Rattlesnakes have a bite, which they use to quickly kill the small animals they eat, such as mice, rabbits, lizards and frogs

All rattlesnakes have a rattle at the end of their tail, and they shake it to tell other animals to not come near. They do this because they are afraid that some animals, such as coyotes and hawks, will eat them

. Where do rattlesnakes live

a) only in the forest b) Just in the desert. c) In different parts of the word

2. What does “quickly” means

a) slowly b) not fast c) very fast

. What dæs the rattlesnakes have at the end of their tail

a) a spine   b) rattle    c) around feet

. Why do they shake the rattle on their tails

a) to hunt    b) they want to sleep   c) because they are scared

.Why do rattlesnakes shake their rattle

a) to play with other animals    b) tosend messages   c) totell animals not to come near

Reading maze

Read and select the right words

People live in different …………  places- cities) homes. This is due to the different eco- houses – gardens), palaces,. environments. We have leamt about the huts and villas. A bungalow is a building with ……… (stair – floor – window) so you don’t have to go up and …….  (right – down ) the stairs all the time. I like ………… (lives- living) here. It is really fantastic

Read and choose the correct words

The world has many landmarks in different parts. The Prophet’s Mosque ……….. (amazing — small). It is in Saudi Arabia and all people …….. ( like — liking) visiting it . It is definitely amazing. Dad told me they have ………. ( visits – visited) the Holly Mosque

Read the text and answer the questions Rattlesnakes


Write correct sentences in the present

have/ They / been / historical places ./ to/

Ali / Has/ / before ? / a mountain/ever/

Dad and mam /have / the prophet’s Mosques / visited /

have been to/ l / AIBadyyah Mosque/

have visited / They / historical places/

been to / Have you / Fujairah

Write a paragraph of 5 sentences: You can use the words in the box to help

live — made – comfortable — modern – solar panel-


حل درس تجارب عظيمة لدول انتجت نهضتها 9
ورق عمل العلاقات في النظم البيئية – التكيف والبقاء على قيد الحياة علوم صف 5

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