أوراق عمل Review chapter 3 العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الأول
أوراق عمل Review chapter 3 العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الأول
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أوراق عمل Review chapter 3 العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الأول
Term 1 Final Revision
Chapter 3 Final Questions
. What is the standard form for a single-replacement reaction
2. According to collision theory
A- all collisions result in some sort of chemical reaction
B- a chemical reaction can occur without collisions
C. the amount of energy of the particles determines whether a reaction occurs
. What is the general relationship between temperature and reaction rate
A. the higherthe temperature, the higher the reaction rate
B- the higher the temperature, the lower the reaction rate
C- temperature and rate vary inversely
D- there is no relationship between the two
. What factor accounts for the fact that powdered sugar dissolves more quicklythan granulated sugar under the same conditions
A. temperature
B. concentration
C. nature of reactants
D. Surface area
. How does increasing gas pressure increase the rate of reaction
A- gas particles move faster
B- new gas particles are made
C. gas particles are in a smaller space
D- gas particles are in a larger space
. A substance that increases the rate of a reaction without itself being used up is called a(n)
A. intermediate product
B. Catalyst
C- inhibitor
D. activated complex
7. In an exothermic reaction
A- the heat of the products is equal to the heat of the reactants
B. he heat of the products is greater than the heat of the reactants
C- the heat of the products is less than the heat of the reactants
D- it varies depending on the reaction
. Which of the following statements about bonds and energy is correct
A- bond breaking and bond formation both require energy
B- bond breaking and bond formation both release energy
C- bond breaking requires energy and bond formation releases energy
D. bond breaking releases energy and bond formation requires energy
. Endothermic reactions are reactions that
A. absorb heat
B. release heat
C- do not involve heat
D. take place instantaneously
10. When the equation, Fe + 2FeC13, is balanced, what is the coefficient for CIR
. When the following equation is balanced, what is the coefficient for HCI
Mg + HCI-> MgC12 + H2
12. Chemical reactions
A- the ways in which atoms are joined together are changed
B- new atoms are formed as products
C- the starting materials are named reactants
D. the bonds of the reactants are broken and new bonds of the products are formed
. Chemical equations must be balanced to satisfy the
A. law of definite proportions
B. law of multiple proportions
C. taw of conservation of mass
D- principle of Avogadro
. In the chemical equation, H20 +02, The H202 is a
A- product
B. eeactani
C- catalyst
D- solid
15. A catalyst is
A- the product of a reaction
B- is a reactant
C- one of the reactants in single replacement reactions
D. chemical that speeds up the reactiori
. In every balanced chemical equation, each side of the equation has the same number of
A. atoms
B. molecules
C. moles
D. Coefficients
. In a combustion reaction, one of the reactants is
A- hydrogen
B- nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D- a metal
. The products of a combustion reaction do NOT include
A. Water
B- carbon dioxide
C- carbon monoxide
. Which of these does NOT increase the rate of a reaction
A- increasing the surface Area
B- adding a Catalyst
C. inixing the chemicals vigorousl
D- increasing the Concentrations
20. Most metals are good conductors of
A. a bond between two atoms
B. one pair of electrons shared between two atoms
C. two pairs of electrons shared between two atoms
D. two pairs of electrons shared between four atoms