لغة انجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث

أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية مع الحل الصف 4 الفصل 3

أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية مع الحل الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث




أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية مع الحل الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف الرابع لمادة لغة انجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث


أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية مع الحل الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

A The tallest skyscraper in the world High

B. rise building in Dubai

c Flying jetpacks

D. Firefighters are brave and amazing people

Read and which sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)

There are many ways that you can help at school. You might tell your friends when they have written pod sentence in class or spoken a lot in English. You may help your friends when they are not sure how to spell a world. You might your friends for help when you are not sure

It is important that you do what your teacher asks you and are kind to everyone. Ask teacher you may help to clean the board, tidy the classroom or give out dictionaries. You may ask your friends if they need help

When you are learning English, be polite and say ‘please’ and thank you’. You may share your colored pencils and scissors with your friends. There are lots of ways to help your friends at school

. You might not help your friends with spellings         False     True

. You may ask your friend to help you                      False     True

. You may share your colored pencils and scissors     False     True


Read the text and decide the sentence is True or false (F)

My school volunteered to clean up Hameem Beach in A1 I reany liked it and learned a lot the enüonment

I wanted to tell other people to stop polluting the sea and the deserts and protect our beautiful country. We must protect the EmYati enüonment. My family loves going to the having a barbecue and watching the flamingos, but we never leave rubbish that will kill animals. My teacher told me that when plastic bags fall into the sea. turtles. dolphins and fish try to eat them and then they die. This made me very sad


. Sea and desert animals eat plastic and the animals die

. National Environment day is every five yeas


Read the paragraphs 1-5 and match with the headings A ,E

Paragraph 1

I’m interested in reading traditional stories the IJAE. My grandmother used to ten me the stories when I was very young. I couldn’t read then. Now. I Can read, so I love reading Old stories about diving and the desert

Paragraph 2

I like going on online Websites to read dMerent animals and facts what they eat and where they live. I fry to read the facts in English. and I watch videos to help me understand what I have read

Paragraph 3

I [ke reading Historical I don’t like about science or technology. I like learning about the Eves Of people from the past and thinking about how is now

Paragraph 4

I like reading apps they are very quick and easy to use. I can a lot Of dHerent things and don’t have to carry lots if heavy in my bag

Paragraph 5

My brother likes books such as ‘Freer. They have got lots of pictures and not much words. I love reading comics books they are very colorful and there are a lot of pictures to look at

A. Comic books

B. I like to use apps on my tablet

C. I enjoy reading traditional stories about the UAE

D. Historical books about the lives of people in the past

E. I like reading on the internet


. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

There 1 (a. is / b. are / c. am) fifteen students in my classroom. There is a 2 (a. door/ b. doores/ c. doors). 1 3 (a. has lb. have / c. had) two friends. We 4 (a. play/ b. plays / c. playing) football every day. My best friend is Ahmed. 5 (a. He/ b. She/ c. They) lives in the UAE

 Complete the text by choosing the correct word

1 (a. I / b. My / c. Me) name is Sara. 1 2 (a. lives/ b. live / c. living) in the UAE. 1 3 (a. has lb. have/ c. had) two brothers. We 4 (a. play/ b. plays / c. playing) tennis at the weekend. My father 5 (a. is/ b. are/ c. am) a doctor

. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

We go camping in I (a. Summer / b. Winter/ c. Spring). My mother 2 (a. cooks/ b. cook/ c. cooking) delicious food. My father makes 3 (a. campfire 1b. play/ c. read). We 4 (a. sleeps/ b. sleep/ c. sleeping) in the tent. I feel 5 (a. sad/ b. angry/ c. happy)

. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

There I (a. is / b. are / c. am) twenty students in the classroom. There is a 2 (a. board / b. boards / c. boardes There are some 3 (a. bus / b. buss / c. buses) outside the school. My teacher 4 (a. is / b. are / c. am) kind. The students 5 (a. studied / b. study / c. studying) in the class

. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

There 1 (a. is / b. are / c. am) fourteen students in my class. There are six 2 (a. boys / b. boy / c. boyes) and eight 3 (a. girl / b. a girl / c. girls). 1 4 (a. like / b. likes/ c. liked) my classroom. There 5 (a. is 1b. are / c. am) a big window with trees outsid

. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

My name is Noor and 1 (a. I’m / b. she’s / c. he’s) from Abu Dhabi. There are fourteen 2 (a. students / b. student / c. studentes) in my class. I like my classroom. The walls are blue. My desk is big. There 3 (a. is / b. are / c. am) two windows. There are lots of books. I 4 (a. likes / b. like / c. liking) books. I 5 (a. reads / b. read / c. reading) books in my classroom

. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

My name is Mouza and this is Faten. 1 (a. We / b. He / c. She) are sisters. This is our week. We play sports 2 (a. on / b. in / c. at) Sunday. We 3 (a. draws / b. draw / c. drew) pictures on Monday. We 4 ( a.study / b. studies / c. studying) English on Tuesday. We watch TV on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday and Saturday,we go to the park 

complete the text by choosing the correct word

Omar Abdulrahman 1 (a. plays / b. play /c. played) football for the IJAE. He 2 (a. watches / b. watches / c. watching) football on TV. He 3 (a practice / b. practicing / c. practices) every day. He 4 (a. drinks / b. drink / c. drank) lots of water. 5 (a. They / b. We / c. He) wants to be a good football player. His favourite sport is football

. Complete the text by choosing the correct word

My name 1 (a. is / b. are / c. am) Dana. 1 2 (a. is / b. are / c. am) a student. I 3 (a.is / b. are / c. am) twenty. 14 (a. live / b. lives / c. living) in Dubai with my family. My mum and dad 5 (a. is / b. are /c. am) teachers

Choose the correct answers to complete the following short passage


نموذج تدريبي على أسئلة الهيكل الوزاري إسلامية الصف 6 الفصل 2
كتاب النشاط المنهج المتكامل في اللغة العربية والثقافة والاخلاق الصف الاول

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