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أوراق عمل Final English Revision الصف 10 مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الدراسي الثالث




أوراق عمل Final English Revision الصف 10 مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الدراسي الثالث


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أوراق عمل Final English Revision الصف 10 مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الدراسي الثالث


 Earth’s temperatures

The world is now warmer than at almost any time since the end of the last ice age and, on present trends, will continue to reach a record high for the entire period since the dawn of civilisation , a study has found

The study published in the journal Science, aims to give a global overview of Earth’s temrwratures over the past I I years – a relatively balmy period known as the Holocene that after the last major ice age
ended and encompasses all of recorded human civilization

‘their data (compiled by studying such things as ice cores, fossils and ocean sentiment) looked back over a much longer era than previous research, which went back tists say it is further evidence that modern – day global warming isn’t natural, but the result of rising n dioxide emissions that have rapidly grown since the Industrial Revolution began roughly 250 ago. Scientists say that if natural factors were still governing the climate, the Northern Hemisphere V’d probably be destined to freeze over again in several thousand years. Instead, scientists believe the egmous increase in greenhouse gases caused by industrialization will almost certainly prevent that

Marcott, a geologist at Oregon State University, says “global temperatures are warmer than about 7 Sercent of anything we’ve seen over the last 1 1 years or so.” The other way to look at that is, 25 of the time since the last ice age, it’s been warmer than now

It’ en just 100 years for the average ternlwrature to change by 1.3 degrees, when it took years to d at betöre_ By the end of the century, climate warming models predict an additional increase of 2 to 1 degrees, due largely to carbon emissions, the study noted

answer these auestions

Dawn’ in this text means

Earth’s temperature has increased quickly

British Culture and Children

Millions of British children are “culture starved” as they have never to an art gallery, theatre or museum, a study has clairned

The research, commissioned by Visit Birmingham, fotmd four in 10 children had never been to an art gallery, while a quarter of parents had never taken their offspring to the theatre. One in five parents
said they did not think their child would interested

The study surveyed parents of five to 12-year -olds around the UK It also found 1 70 / 0 Of children had never visited a museum, while one in 10 had not outside their home town to visit Other sites in the UK_ Half Of parents said they made little effort to their children culture or history and relied on schcx ls to do so

A quarter said they could not afford to visit attractions with 28% saying they did not have the time and I tklieved their child was young for culture” half said they were more likely to take their children sight- seeing when they were abroad asked what cultural activities their children had participated in, the most vpular was leaming an ingeument (390/0), with ballet (24%), painting (23%) and singing in a choir (22%) the next most. ••ities Wover a fifth of children were learning a foreign language

—a Gray, from Marketing Birmingham, which runs the Visit Birmingham campaign, said it for all generations to cultural activity _

can take many kinds of forms and it’s essential our children are encouraged to get involved this at any early age,” she said_ w trips during the year to museums. landmarks Or even cultural festivals will prove to informative and fun (Kvasions for youngsters

I most UK children have to art gallery.

2 survey on children from age I I to 16 340% of parents felt it was the schcx ls resrx»nsibility to teach children atx»ut culture



 – Some children are learning a foreign language



Gray thinks culture isn ‘t that imprtant and more fcxus should on science and maths


European Union

The Union (EU) is a unique 1K)litical and economic community with supranational and intergovernmental dimensions. It is Of twenty- seven member states primarily located in EuroF In 1957, six European countries formed the Economic Community (EEC) by the Treaty of. Rome. Since then the EU has grown in size through the accession of new states and has increased its powers by the addition Of new policy areas to its remit. In 1993, the Maastricht Treaty the base of the current legal framework

The EU created a single market which seeks to guarantee the freedom of rmwement Of people, go«xls, services and capital between member states. It maintains a common trade policy, agricultural and fisheries IXlicies, and a regional development m»licy. In 19(» the EU a currency, the euro, which has tken adopted by thirteen member states. It has also developed a role in foreign B)licy, and in and home affairs. Passport control and customs checks between many memtk’r states were under the Schengen Agreement

over 492 million citizens the EU generates an estimated nominal GDP of €8.6 (S 10.7) trillion in It represents its in the WTO and observes the G8 summits. Twenty EU countries are niibers of NATO. Important institutions of the EU include the European Commission, the European P*$ament, the Council Of the European Union. the Council, the Court Of Justice and Central Bank. EU citizens elect the Parliament every five years


Are shower curtains dangerous

of an ongoing campaign against polpinyl chloride, a Virginia-based environmental advcracy p today called on manufacturers and retailers to phase out its use in shower curtains. To buttress its
the group, the Center for Health, Environment and Justice, the results Of a small studyb indicating that PVC containing shower curtains are capable of emitting scores of volatile organic compounds. as well as phthalates, lead, and other potentially harmful materials, into people’s bathrooms. A previous study, conducted by Environmental Agency found that plastic shower curtains can emit toxic compounds into the air. There’s still debate among scientists about just serious the health effects are that have been associated wighøposure to some of the chemicals highlighted as dangerous, especially at low doses. However, ich has particularly strong concerns about the environmental and health toll in communities with manufacture PVC, urges consumers to avoid using PVC shower curtains, as well as many —nsprxlucts, particularly those that are flexible


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