فيزياء منهج إنجليزي فصل اول

أوراق عمل Electric Potential الفيزياء الصف 12

أوراق عمل Electric Potential الفيزياء الصف 12




أوراق عمل Electric Potential الفيزياء الصف 12


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أوراق عمل Electric Potential الفيزياء الصف 12

 42) The electric field strength tktween two parallel conducting plates separated by 40 cm is 7.50 x 104V/m

(a) What is the difference the plates

(b) The plate with the lowest is taken to zero volts. What is the potential 10 cm from that plate and 30 cm from the other

43) The voltage across a membrane forming a cell wall is O O mV and the membrane is 9m nm thick. What is the electric field strength ? (The value is surprisingly large, but correct.) You ma assume a uniform electric field

44) Two parallel conducting plates are separated by 10.0 cm. and one of them is taken to at zero volts

(a) What is the electric field strength them, if the 8.m cm from the zero vo plate (and 2mcm from the other) is 450 V

(b) What is the voltage the plates

45) Find the maximum difference tptween two parallel conducting plates separated by 0.50 cm of air, given the maximum sustainable electric field strength in air to 3.0 x 106 V/m

46) An electron is to accelerated in a uniform electric field having a strength Of 2.m x 106 Wm

(a) What energy in kev is given to the electron if it is accelerated through m

(b) Over what distance would it have to accelerated to increase its energy by 50.0 GeV

47) In nuclear fission, a nucleus splits roughly in half

(a) What is the potential 20 x 10-14 m from a fragment that has 46 protons in it

(b) What is the energy in MeV Of a similarly charged fragment at this distance

48) A research Van de Graaff generator has a 2.W-mdiameter metal sphere with a charge of 5m mC on it

(a) What is the potential near its surface

(b) At what distance from its center is the I.(X) MV

(c) An oxygen atom with three missing electrons is released near the Van de Graaff generator

What is its energy in MeV when the atom is at the distance found in part b

49) Find the at Pl, P2, Pg. and Pa in the diagram due to the two given charges

50) A very large sheet of insulating material has had an excess of electrons placed on it to a surface charge density of —3m nC/mc

(a) As the distance from the sheet increases, does the increase or decrease ? Can yo explain why without any calculations ? Does the location of your reference matter

(b) What is the of the surfaces

(c) What is the spacing surfaces that differ by 10 V

51) A metallic sphere of radius 2.0 cm is charged with +5.0-gC charge, which spreads on the surface of the sphere uniformly. The metallic sphere stands on an insulated stand and is surrounded by a larger metallic spherical shell, of inner radius 5.0 cm and outer radius 6.0 cm. Now, a chargeof -5.0-gCis placed on the inside of the spherical shell, which spreads out uniformly on the inside surface of the shell If is zero at infinity, what is the of (a) the spherical shell, (b) the sphere, (c) the space between the two, (d) inside the sphere, and (e) outside the shell

52) A charge of q = 5.0 x 10-8 C is placed at the center of an uncharged spherical conducting shell of inner radius 6.0 cm and outer radius 9.0 cm. Find the electric at (a) r = 4.0 cm, (b) r = 8.0cm, (c) r = 12.0 cm

53) Concentric conducting spherical shells carry charges Q and—Q The inner shell has negligible thickness. What is the difference the shells

54) A small spherical pith ball of radius 0.50 cm is painted witha silver paint and then —10 gC of charge is placed on it. The charged pith ball is put at the center of a gold spherical shell of inner radius 2.0 cm and outer radius 2.2 cm. (a) Find the electric potential ofthe gold shell with respect to zero at infinity. (b) How much charge should put on the gold she

83) A thin spherical shell with radius RI = 30 cm is concentric with a larger thin spherical shell with radius RI = 50 cm. Both shells are made of insulating material. The sma Iler shell has charge qt = +60 nC distributed uniformly over its surface, and the larger shell has cha rge = -9m nC distributed uniformly over its surface. Take the electric to zero at an
infinite distance from shells

(a) What is the electric due to the two shells at the following distance from their common center: (i) r = O; (ii) r = 40 cm; (iii) r = 6.00 cm ? (b) What is the magnitude of the difference tm.veen the surfaces of the two shells Which shell is at higher the inner shell or the outer shell

84) Charge Q = 5.0 PC is distributed uniformly overthe volume of an insulating sphere that has radius R = 12.0 cm. A small sphere with charge q = +3.0 LLC and mass 6.0 x 10S kg is projected toward the center of the large sphere from an initial large distance. The large sphere is held a a fixed and the small sphere can treated as a charge. What minimum must the small sphere have in order to come within 8.0 cm of the surface of the large sphere 

85) A very long wire carries a uniform linear charge density k. Using a voltmeter to measure difference, you find that when one probe of the meter is placed 2.50 cm from the wire and the other is 10 cm farther from the wire, the meter reads 575 V

(a) What is R

(b) If you now place one at 39 cm from the wire and the l.m cm farther away, will the voltmeter read 575 V? If not, will it read more or less than 575 V? Why

(c) If you place 39 cm from the wire but 17.0 cm from each other, what will the voltmeter read

86) (a) Figure (a) shows a nonconducting rod of length L = and uniform linear charge density Assume that the electric is defined to V = O at infinity

What is V at P at distanced = 80 cm along the bisector (b) Figure (b) shows an identical rod except that one half is now negatively charged. Both halves have a linear charge density of magnitude 3.68 pC / m. With at infinity, what is V at p



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