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أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 نخبة الفصل الأول 2022 2023

أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 نخبة الفصل الأول 2022 2023




أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 نخبة الفصل الأول 2022 2023


هدا الملف ل الصف 11 عام لمادة انجليزي 11 الفصل الاول


أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 نخبة الفصل الأول 2022 2023




Preparation — grammar

Preparation — functional language

Term 1 Academic Year 2022- 2023

The Coverage, Grammar and Functional Power Point

Within Will find inforrnation the for this term. The lexis family that Will is as well as the particular grammatical and Kinctional language EXints that will tested in the exams at the end of this term. In the preparation sections, pu find examples and explanations for the grammatical and functional language points that will be this term The grammar preparation has an example that the grammatical It follows this With an explanation of the meaning of the example sentence. Next. the swcific grammatical syucture used w’thin the example sentence is tolloved by an explanation of the circumstances uMer which the particular structure is Mcre example using the strudure are given at the end Of the slide

In the functional lanwage prepaation section. there are examples of the particular langu point followed by an explanation of how the particular are used. In the assæiated grammar section. language that comprise the structure or can be used to in cnnjunction With the to express the stipulated function are detailed  Although detaied. the slides within this PowerPoint are to used as a starting point for teachers construct lessons around the language points that are explored here. The slides are intended to be used individually as a resource Within a lesson and to be incogxjrated as part Of instruction incrernentally throughout the term to ensure that students have to all ttE language points in the mverage ahead Of their end term exam. Therefore, the PowerPoint should not be presented at a single event or in its entirety Some functional language points may overlap with grammatical points in the coverage. and in that it is possible to combine slides. However, this resource should be to a Of individual slkes that teact -ers can use to enhance studnts’ learning


Do you know if that woman can run this project

I think so! She’s thought to be a highly skilled mechanical engineer

Meaning People believe that she is a good mechanical engineer

Grammatical structure Passive reBorting statements

it + passive regxjrting verb + (that) + clause

subject + passive reporting verb + to + infinitive

Usage We use passives with reporting verbs ‘thought / a)nsidered / to beliefs, reports, rumours, etc

Other examples the most talented chefs in town

Everyone was believed to have the exam

It is thought that the rain will cnntinue into next week

Why haven’t the IT students completed the online project

The students’ laptops are being replaced so they don’t have access


Meaning The students cannot do any online work right now they do not have their laptobs

Grammatical structure Present continuous passive

subject + is / are + being + the past

Usage We use the present continuous passive to talk about some actions around the moment of The passive voiæ is to focus on the reæiver of the action, not on who is carrying out the action

Other examples Animal habitats in the  development

Environmental threats are currently being reviewed by the govemment


If you’d told me about the meeting in advance, I would have attended

Meaning He could have gone to the tneeting if had told him it started, but no one did

Grammatical structure Conditionals: third conditional

‘if + past perfect. with ‘would’ + have + past participle

We use the third conditional to a past action and to imagine the results of that action

Other examples ‘if I’d studied harder and more in university, I got the career I wanted

If you hadn’t eaten so much food, you wouldn’t have felt sick all night


Oh Fatima! I’m too tired to work today

You’ve been resting for most of the day, Aisha. You can’t tired


Meaning Fatima is that Aisha is well rested of the amount of time she has doing nothing

Grammatical structure Modals: present Modals (deduction)

subject + present + verb

usage We use modals Of deduction (must, may, might, could, can’t) to make guesses amut something on the information that we have. When we are sure Of wmething, we use ‘must,’ must have’ or ‘can’t.’ When we are less sure, we use ‘might’ or ‘could

Other examples She must be concerned about the environment because she uses materials daily

Noone is answering the they miaht still at the mall There are more new


There are more new environmental gadgets on the market than we have time to review on the blog


Meaning The speaker is overwhelmed with new gadgets to write about. The comparison is being made between the number of gadgets and the arnount of time

Grammatical structure Adjectives: comparatives

be + comparative adjective + nountverb phrase + than + noun/ verb phrase

subject + (be) + comparative adjective + prepositional phrase + than + noun

present participle dause + (be) + convarative adjective + present participE clause

Usage We use comparative adjectives ard phrases followed by ‘than’ when comparing two noun or verb phrases or clauses

Other examples Having good study technkwes is often more important than bts of time facts

He was more concerned with the quahty of the cloth he ordered than the environmental impact Of producing it


This school’s dedication to the welfare of its students is in the country


Meaning The school has a focus around the health and wellbeing Of its students and is part of the top group in the country for student welfare

Grammatical structure Adjectives: superlatives

‘one Of some Of arnong’ + superlaüve phrases

Usage We use superlative adjectives to express that or someone is either the top or bottom Of a specified group

Other examples The presentation on the invact of clirnate change was lectures I have ever attended

It was, in fact, the Emirati athletes who were competitors in the competition


The ice caps are melting in the Arctic due to the rising temperatures

Many endangered animals are their habitats as a consequence of millions of trees cut down

Exhaustion and ill health are a result of a work- life balance

Subrdinating conjunctions, noun phrases, adverbial linkers





ورقة عمل درس وظائف الجهاز الهضمي وأنواع الهضم العلوم الصف 8 الفصل 2
حل درس القوى والأسس رياضيات صف 8

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