أوراق عمل مراجعة للامتحان النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 2022 2023
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أوراق عمل مراجعة للامتحان النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 2022 2023
هدا الملف ل الصف الثالث لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث فصل ثالث
أوراق عمل مراجعة للامتحان النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 2022 2023
5. I can walk, but I can’t
a. do homework b. fly
6. My little sister will
a. tidy her room b. drive a car
7. A termite home has lots of
a. rooms b. doors
8. Rabbits have a special room for
a. father b. mother
9. I can brush my teeth with the tap
a. on b. off
10. A wolf is a ……….. enemy
a. termite’s b. beaver’s
Match the title to the text
In some hot, wet places, people build houses on stilts These houses are built high above the water or land. The air blows under the houses and keeps them cool
These houses are made of mud, water and dry grass People build these houses in some hot, dry places. The mud walls and very small windows keep the homes cool
In cities all over the world, people live in tall buildings made of metal, concrete and
Burj Khalifa has more than 160 floors and 57 lifts
Beehive houses
Stilt houses
Reading Comprehension Maze
Hello, my name is Ali, I went to the park last week with my friend Yahya. First, we played on the 1- (flower / slide / table). Then, we went on the 2- (spinner / sugar / salty) and it was so much fun. Finally, we climbed up the 3 -(tunnel / ladder / seesaw). When we felt tired, we went home
Circle the correct answer
. There is a ……….. in the bathroom
a. sink b. bookcase
lives in holes underground
a. beaver b. rabbit
3. All houses have a living room, bedroom and
a. bathroom b. treehouse
. Cave houses ………… built in rocks and mountains
a. is b. are
Reading Comprehension
You can build a cool house with boxes. You will need sticky tape, glue and scissors. Use some tubes, too. Will you build a castle with one room or a few rooms
I- You can build a house with gloves True / False
– You use a hammer and a cup to build a castle True / False
3- You will need sticky tape glue and
5- Use some …….. too
a castle with one room………
Writing Sentences
Write 2 sentences about your robot using the words will and won’t Use some of these words to help you
tidy — cook — wash up — clean — help with homework
Read the sentences. Find two mistakes in each sentence
Rewrite the sentences correctly
beehive houses are made of mud dry grass and water
what would you like in your bedroom
Look at the pictures. Read the questions
I. Where does he live
. What would you like to do after school rd
3. What does this tree house have
4. What are beavers’ homes made of
Look at the picture and read the text
Hello, My name is Salim. There are a lot of things I do in the reading class. First, I read the lesson with the teacher. Next, I try to answer the questions with my classmate. Then, we discuss the questions and the answers with the teacher. Finally, the teacher gives as time to read any story we like. I love reading class
Read the question. Circle the correct answer
This text is about
a. homework b. reading class c. math
What does Salim do first
b. four c. talk to classmates a. read the lesson
Salem follows ………. steps in his reading class
a. three b. read the questions c. fives
What does Salim and his classmates do at the end
a. discuss questions b. play at the playground c. read a story he likes
How does Salim feel about his reading class
a. He doesn’t like it. b. He likes it. c. He loves it
Look at the picture and read the text
In cities all over the world, people live in tall buildings called skyscrapers. Skyscrapers are made of metal, concrete and glass
Burj Khalifa is the highest skyscraper in the world. It is located in Dubai. Burj Khalifa has more than 160 floors and 57 lifts
Read the sentences. Circle Yes or No
Many people live in skyscrapers a. Yes b. No
Skyscrapers are made of mud and glass a. Yes b. No
Burj Khalifa is the highest skyscraper a. Yes b. No
Burj Khalifa is located in Abu Dhabi a. Yes b. No
Burj Khalifa has more than 160 lifts and 57 a. Yes b. No floors
Look at the picture. Read the three questions Write your three answers in sentences