أوراق عمل مراجعة داعمة الكيمياء للصف 10 متقدم منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث
أوراق عمل مراجعة داعمة الكيمياء للصف 10 متقدم منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث
هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة كيمياء منهج إنجليزي فصل ثالث
أوراق عمل مراجعة داعمة الكيمياء للصف 10 متقدم منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث
Mastering Problems
. What is the rnolar mas of a gas that takes three unps Imger to effuse than tplium
. What iS the ratio efflN(11 rates krypton and nem at the same temprature and pressure
. Calculate the rmlar mass of a gas that diffuses three times föter than oxygen under similar condti(lb
. What is the partial pressure of water vapr in an air sample when the total pressure iS 100 atm the partial of is 079 am, the partial pressure oxygen is 0.20 and the partial pressure all other göes in air is atrn
. What is the tmal gas in a sealed flok that contains nygen at a partial pressure of 0.41 atm and water at a partial pressure of 058 atnÜ
. Mountain Climtng The Hesqzre atop the world’s higrpq rnmrntain, Mcnznt Everest, iS usually atut 336 kPa – Corwert the pressure to aunsphere HOW the pressure compare With the presure at lever
. High Altitude The atrmspheric presqre in Comcb, iS usualb’ amut 84.0 kPa What iS this presure in atm and torr Units ?
. At an xean depth of 762 the presqlre iS amut 8.4 atm the to mmHg kPa
Section 1 Review
17. A weater mass confined to a volume makes transporting and storing of gases easier. Increasmg temperature L pressure. and the cylinders might explcxje. æfore oxygen can treathed. it must 18. 711 torr
The concept map should show how P, V, md are to one another. Students shmdd also pair of variables in the gas laws. Refer to tie Solutions Manual
. A dipole forms when one mol Eule is close to another molecule. and the electrons repel each other creating a greater electron density in one part of the molecule. Permanent dipoles are found in plar mol- ecules in which some regions of the molecule are always partially and partially negative
. Dispersion forces are between dipoles. Dipole-dipole forces are between permanent diples
. A involves a difference in electronegativity between the atorn and the atom it is attached to (O, N, or F), mak-ing the bond extremely polar
. Intramolecular forces hold atoms together in a molecule while intermolecular forces hold different molecules
. Because long molecules have greater areas. more intermolecular forces can exist
. Refer to Figure 9. The drawing should show two CO molecules, with the C partially positive and the O partially negative. The C of each rrWecule should bonded to the O of the other
58. All of the substances can form
59. H202 can form bond
Refer to the Solutions Manual for drawing
. At a fixed temperature and pres sure, equal volumes of any ideal gas equal numbers of particles
. The ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas in terms of the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of gas present: PV=nRT
. An ideal gas is one whose particles take up no space and have no intermolecular attrac – tive forces and it follows the gas laws under all conditions of temperature arxi pressure
No gas is truly ideal because all gas particles have some volume and are subject to intermo – lecular interactions
65. high pressure and low temperature
. kelvins; Vis not directly proportional to Celsius temprature
67. a. 12.1 L
b. Propane occupies a much smaller volume when liquefied
. Equation coefficients represent ratios between gas volumes in the reaction
. Temperature and pressure are the same for each gas involved in the reaction. These conditions affect each gas in the same way
. balanced equation, at least one mass or volume value for a reactant or product, and P and T conditions under which gas volumes have been measured
. Avogadro’s principle states that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of particles (or an equal number of moles). Therefore , the coefficients also represent the relative volumes of the gases
. No, this relationship only applies to gases that behave like ideal gases
61. State pnnctple
‘ State the ideal gas law
. What volume iS occupi by 1 mol a gas at STP Wtut volume 2 mol occuw at SIP
. Define the term gas, and explain why there are true ideal gbes in nature
. ust two conditiors under which a gas iS least likely to behave ially
. uut.s rnuq be tsed to temperanre in eqnum for the gB uw
Mastering Problems
. Home Fuel Propane (C,HL) iS a gas commonry used
a horrw fuel Kyr cooking and heating
a. Calculate the volume that 0.540 mol of propane occupies at SIT
b. Think amut sue of vat-une ami the anxunt that it contam Why you iS usualb’ before it s transpteO
. Careers in Chemisuy A ptysjcal chemist meBured the lowest pressure achieved in a laboratory bout x to-ts mm Hg. Hcw mary molecules are present in a 1.00 L sample at that presure if the sample’s temperature iS 22.000
. Calculate the munber cirrwks (i 02 gas in a æalea 200 L tank at 3.50 aun 25-00C I-bw rnny rmks would be in tank if rased to 4900C ami dp presure castanÜ
Wastering Concepts
Why mug equaticn tp it to detemune vdunps in a reactm W
It is ncx necessary to cmsider ternprature ard presqrre when using a balanced equation to determine relative gas volume. Why ?
What information do you rewed to a volume mas problem that involves gæs
. Explain wty the ccpfficmts in a balanced chemical equatim represent not ony molar annunts but alM relative volurnes gases
Do ccpfficients in a chanral volurne rauos ftT nd liquids
Wastering Problems
. Ammonia Production Arnnwrua iS often by reacting nitrogen and hydrogen gses How liters ammonia gas can 6rmed from 13.7 L of hydrc8en gas at 93.00C and a pressure of 40.0 kPa
. A 6.5 L sample of hydrogen sulfide iS treated With a catalyq to the reaction shcwn
If the HS reacts at 2.0 atm and 2q) K how much water in granv, is W. To produce 15.4 L of nitrogen dioxide at 310 K and 20 arm, how many liters of nitrogen gas