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أوراق عمل (مراجعة) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 الفصل 3

أوراق عمل (مراجعة) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 الفصل الثالث




أوراق عمل (مراجعة) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 الفصل الثالث


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أوراق عمل (مراجعة) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11 الفصل الثالث

I. Comprehension

Earth’s Temperatures

The world is now warmer than at almost any time since the end Of the last ice age and, on present trends, will continue to reach a record high for the entire period since the dawn of civilisation, a study has found

study published in the journal Science, aims to give a global overview of Earth’s temperatures over the past I years – a relatively balmy period known as the Holocene that began after the last major ice age ended and encompasses all of recorded human civilization

Their data (compiled by studying such things as ice cores, fossils and (Rean sentiment) Iooked back over a much longer era than previous research, which went baCk 1500 years

Scientists say it is further evidence that modern-day global warming isn’t natural, but the result of rising carbon dioxide emissions that have rapidly grown since the Industrial Revolution began roughly 250 years ago. Scientists say that if natural factors were still governing the climate, the Northern Hemisphere would probably destined to freeze over again in several thousand years. Instead. scientists believe the enormous increase in greenhouse gases caused by industrialization will almost certainly prevent that

Shaun Marcott, a geologist at Oregon State University, says “global temperatures are warmer than about 75 percent of anything we’ve seen over the last I I years or so.” The Other way to at that is, 25 percent of the time since the last ice age, it’s been warmer than now

It’s taken just 100 years for the average temperature to change by I .3 degrees. when it took years to do that By the end of the century, climate warming nuxlels predict an additional increase of 2 to I I .5 degrees, due largely to emissions, the study noted

Now answer these auestions

I – ‘Dawn’ in this text means




2 – ‘Balmy’ means




3 – True or false: this study looks at a longer than usual time -period



4 – The Earth’s temperature has increased quickly since

I500 years ago

The Northern Hemisphere

The Industrial Revolution

5 – ‘Prevent’ means




6 – True or false: Scientist predict the earth will freer over of increased greenhouse gases



7 – True or false: The will increase by 1.3 degrees in the next 100 years



 – This article could be described as a ………….. look at the future




Black Friday

Ever since 1932, Black Friday has signalled the twginning of the Christmas shopping season in the United States. This shopping extravaganza follows Thanksgiving, on the fourth Thursday of November, and comes just before ‘Cyber Monday’

Use of the name ‘Black Friday” was first recorded as coming from Philadelphia, where it was used to describe heavy, disruptive vehicle and pedestrian traffic the day after -Ihanksgiving. Apparently, loads of would go into town on the Friday after Turkey Day, before the yearly Army.’Navy football game on Saturday; stores would take advantage of all the extra business by promoting big sales

As ‘Black Friday’ became more popular in the early eighties, one “explanation” for the event became that this day represented the point in the year when retailers begin to make a profit, going from being “in the
red” (meaning to be in debt) to “in the black” (meaning to be free Of debt)

Black Friday is not an official holiday in the United States, but in some states government employees are given the day off. and non-retail employees are normally given Thanksgiving Thursday and Black
Friday as public holidays

Most major retailers offer promotional sales with big discounts, and it has the busiest shopping day every year since 2005. In 2014, sales revenues for Black Friday reached a whopping S 1 1.6 billion, falling slightly to S 10.4 in 2015. In 2013, overall sFnding from ‘Ihanksgiving ‘lhursday up to Cyber Monday tomrd S56 billion

I _ Black Friday signals the start of the Easter season



 Black Friday comes trfore Thmksgiving



 The term ‘Black Friday’ was first recorded in



. To in the red’ rneans that you owe ‘Nople money or are in debt



Are some shower curtains dangerous

As part Of an ongomg campaign against polyvinyl chloride. a V irginia-based environmental advXEY group tcxlay called on manufacturers and retailers to phase out its use In shower curtains. TO buttress its the group. the Center for Health. Environment and Justice. released the results Ofa small stiKly imiicating that PVC-containing shower curtains are capable of emitting scores of volatile organic cornBunds, as well as phthalates. lead, and other potentially harmful materials, into people’s bathnxms. A
previous study. by Environmental Protection Agency researchers, found that plastic shower curtains can emit toxic Into the air

lheres still debate among scientists at’ut just how serious the health effects are that have been associated with exFsure to some of the chernicals highlighted as dangerous, especially at low doses. However, CHF-J. which has particularly strong concerns at»ut the environmental and health toll in communities with factcries that manufacture PVC. urges consumers to avoid using PVC shower curtains. as well as many Other PVC

pr’xlucts, particularly those that are flexible For people who are concemed about their shower curtains, there are altematives. IKEA phzsed mat PVC shower curtains I I years ago. switching to ethylene vinyl acetate. Target. the country’s fifth-largest
retailer. has also to replacmg many Of Its shower curtains with EV A. The company has said that 88 Of its shower curtains would be PVC free by spring Of Bed Bath and Beyond. JCPenney, and Macy’s are shifting toward PVC-free shower curtains, according to the report, but have set goals or a time frame for cornpletely eliminating the prcxiucts

Manufacturers are required to latrl shower curtains. but some do list “PVC- or -vinyl” on the The recycling code or sometimes “V” also indicates the presence Of r»lyvinyl chloride Numerous online retailers. such as EcoChoices. Pristine Planet. and Greenfeet. sell shower Curtams„ pnmanly cotton or hemp—that are free of PVC Without ventilation, however, mildew can a problem with cotton and hemp pnxiucts. In resm»nse to such problems, Healthgcxxis sells a recycled vxlyester plastic shower curtain that it claims is suvxrior to the fabric options

I. What did the study released by the Center for Health, Environment and Jstice show



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