لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني

أوراق عمل متنوعة اللغة الانجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثاني

أوراق عمل متنوعة اللغة الانجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثاني




أوراق عمل متنوعة اللغة الانجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثاني


هدا الملف ل الصف 10 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثاني


أوراق عمل متنوعة اللغة الانجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثاني

Read the following passage and answer the questions

Wendy and her best friend, Aileen, were making plans to go for a short weekend trip. They had been feeling stressed due to their respective work commitments and needed a well – earned rest

On Saturday, Wendy went over to Aileen’s house to discuss their holiday plans They surfed he Internet for vacation spots. First, they 1M)ked at Bangkok Bangkok had lots of wonderful fMRI to savor and shopping there was cheap However, being a city, it was a very crowded place that was full of traffic and people everywhere. Wendy wanted a relaxing holiday without having to elbow her wa y through the crowd. So, they ruled it out

The second option Wendy and Aileen had was to take a cruise to Malaysia. This was ideal because everything was already included in the price of the cruise. There. was no need to travel anywhere for food and entertainment. All meals were provided and there was a wide range Of activities to do. They could swim in the pool, watch movies in the cinema onboard or play sports as well. The only drawback to this plan was that Aileen would get seasick. She would be nauseous and giddy throughout the entire trip. Hence, this plan was scrapped too

Another option was to go to Perth in Australia. Wendy had cousins living there and she could visit them. Moreover, her cousins could serve as tour guides, bringing them all around Perth. They could visit vineyards and the nougat factories. However, a weekend trip to visit her cousins would be too short and too rushed. Wendy would prefer spending more time catching up with her cousins

Wendy and Aileen scoured the Internet for a long time. Finally, they came upon a website advertising beach resorts in Bintan. Bintan was an island near Singapore so the traveling time would be short. The two of them could relax by the beach or the pool, spend their time chatting with each other and enjoy good seafood. It would not be very crowded and noisy. It was the place to go to for a quick getaway vacation. It was decided. hey made their booking on the spot over the Internet and were looking forward to it. It would be a gocKl reprieve from the everyday stresses of life and work

. According to paragraph one, why did Wendy and Aileen want to go for a trip 

(A) They were committed people

(B) They wanted to earn their rest

(C) They were under much stress to do so

(D) They wanted to take a break from work

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer

Whales are the largest animals in the world, even larger than some species of dinosaurs. Ironically, whales are among the gentlest creatures we know. There are people who go through great lengths to help them

One such case occurred in 1988, when three young whales were trapped in the sea. It was close to winter and the sea had begun to freeze over. Whales are mammals that require oxygen from the air, so the frozen ice was a great danger as it prevented them from getting any air. All they had was a tiny hole in the ice for them to breathe through. Volunteers from all over soon turned up to help these creatures. They cut holes in the ice so as to provide more breathing holes for the whales. These holes would also serve as guides for the whales so that they could swim to warmer waters. This effort was a success although one whale drowned

Although the whale is very huge, it is not hindered at all by its size when it is in water. Whales have tails that end like flippers. With just a gentle flick, it can propel itself forward. The skin of a whale is so smooth that it does not create any friction that can slow the whale down. A whale’s breathing hole is located on the top of its head, so it can breathe without having to completely push its head out of
the water. It is also thus able to gulp its food down without breathing in any water. Whales are protected from the cold seawater by body fat that is called blubber. This is so effective that a whale can even get overheated in the cold temperatures of the sea

Whales live in the ocean but in terms of behavior, they are more similar to humans than fish. They live in family groups and they even travel in groups when they have to migrate from cooler to warmer waters. The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years.Whales are known not to desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradle them. Moreover, female whales have very strong maternal instincts

I .By using the word ‘ironically’ in the second sentence, the writer suggests

(A) it is not true that whales are very gentle

(B) whales may not be as gentle as they 100k

(C) whales are definitely the gentlest creatures in the world

(D) it is difficult to believe whales are gentle despite their humungous size

.Winter poses such a danger to whales because ‘Aithev cannot swim in icv cold water


Read the followinq passage and answer the questions

Mrs. Brown loved living in the mountains with the animals and birds Her favorite was the lyre bird that lived in her garden. Every day she said “hello boy” to the bird, and the bird her greeting back. He also
used to jump onto a platform she had built. The lyre bird would lift his long, long tail feathers over his head and sway from side to side as he sang his songs. He mimicked other animals that lived there — a parrot’s laugh, a cat’s purr – and even two men talking

The parrot lived in a tree outside Mrs. Brown’s front door. He used to laugh every morning when she outside, and it was this sound the lyre bird would copy. There was also the black and white cat that had
grown up with the parrot. They were the of friends and often enjoyed the rnorning sunshine together

One day Mrs. Brown got sick. She was sick for a very long time. During that time the lyre bird built a mound of soil and twigs outside her bedroom window. Every day Mrs. Brown’s friend came and stood on the mound, and sang to her there. The cat and the parrot also joined the lyrebird, and together the three of them would wait patiently for her to get up and come to the window. Mrs. Brown slowly got and after a while she was back outside enjoying nature again. She believed the singing from the lyre bird, the laughing of the parrot and the purring of the cat helped her to recover

Choose the correct answer


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