أوراق عمل كتابة أنجليزي مع الحل صف سادس فصل ثالث
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هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث
أوراق عمل كتابة أنجليزي مع الحل صف سادس فصل ثالث
Makeup Writing exam (02-07-2020)
1- Look at the following picture and the answer the 4 question bellow according to it
?What is a food chain*
A food chain shows what each animal eats
?How does a food chain start*
A food chain always starts with the sunlight and plant
?What are some animals that eat only plants and eat only meat*
There are animals that eat only plants such as rabbits and goats, also there are animals that eat only meat like lions and tigers
Do you think that small animals important in the food chain? Why*
Yes,I think samll animals are important in the food chain, becuase big animals must eat them to complete the life cycle
2- Look at the following picture and the answer the 4 question
:bellow according to it
(Your answer must be in full sentences)
?What did Emirati people wear in the past*
Emirati people wore kandoura and abaya in the past
?Where did Emirati people live in the past*
Emirati people lived in small house in the past
?What were common jobs in the UAE in the past*
There were few common jobe in the past like: trade and pearl fishing
?Would you like to live in the UAE in the past? Why*
Yes, I would like to live in the past, because life was simple and easy